Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Art Courses,, printmaking, West Darmoor Art Courses News

Open Printmaking Sessions on Thursday Afternoons

I love these session. With our small group sizes we are able to let everyone chose what they want to do. Today we had dry point with chine colle, water colour prints and wiped monotypes. Everyone worked very hard and produced a wonderful variety of prints today and here is the selection. Enjoy.

Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, Art Courses,

Update on reduction lino print

Following our printmaking course on the 16th August the lovely Freya returned to finish her reduction lino print.  This print has worked so well. Its a brave thing to do as once you take that second lot of lino away there is no going back, this method is often referred to as the suicide method….and not without reason 🙂

However as you can see the print works both as a stand alone print and also as a second layer. I believe this is the first lino print Freya has done since leaving school. There are definately road miles in pursuing this format. Freya’s grasp of the concept and function of a lino print shows just how creative she is. We loved this print. Well done you.

The two base layers of the print